UML & Unified Process Course Content

Hello Professionals,

OnSoft as part of corporate trainings,can cover the UML and Unified Process course content as follows :

UML and Unified Process Overview
Detailed Outline:
Introducing the UML
- The history and background of the UML and the aims of the language.

The Four Phases of The Unified Process
- Inception
- Elaboration
- Construction
- Transition

The UML Models
- Business Process Model
- Use Case Diagrams
- Domain Modelling
- State Modelling
- Interaction Diagrams
- Activity Diagrams
- Deployment Diagrams
- Design Class Diagram
- Round trip engineering
An Introduction to Business Analysis using UML
Detailed Outline:
Introducing the UML
- UML Notation and Grammar
- Background to the UML
- Lifecycles; waterfall and Unified Process
- Establishing iterations
- Class Diagrams, Statecharts, Interaction Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Use Case Diagrams

Characteristics of a Good Analyst
- Focus of the Analyst
- Business Facing Tasks
- System Facing Tasks
- Management and Liaison tasks
- Traits of an ideal Analyst
- Setting Terms of Reference
- Setting Objectives

Business Modelling
- Beginning the Analysis
- Business Model
- Business Processes
- Using the UML to model processes
- UML Stereotypes
- Eriksson-Penker extensions
- Business Process Overviews
- Business Actors
- Business Workers
- Case Workers
- Process Activity Diagram

Information Gathering
- Types of information gathering
- Types of interviews
- Interview Process
- Coverage Matrices
- Questioning Strategy
- Questioning techniques
- Active Listening
- Note taking
- Interview Closedown
- Interview Follow up

Use Cases
- Use Case Diagram in UML
- Actors
- Purpose of Use Cases
- Granularity of Use Cases
- Requirements Cross Referencing
- Ranking and Estimating
- Evolution of Use Cases

Facilitated Workshops
- What is a facilitated workshop?
- Barriers to Success
- Workshop Roles
- Planning and Preparation
- Conducting the Workshop
- Facilitator's Skills
- Workshops vs Meetings

The Domain Model
- Rationale for the model
- Finding classes of objects
- Class Checklists
- UML Notation
- Attributes, Associations
- Multiplicities
- Containment
- Packaging
- CRUD Matrices
- Constraints

The State Model
- Capturing more business rules
- Events and States
- States of interest
- Diagrammatic capture of state
- UML Notation
- Conditions
- Actions
- History States
- Mapping to the Class Model

Formal Use Case Descriptions
- Use Case Storyboards
- Preconditions
- Postconditions
- Main Flow
- Extension Flow
- Graphical Form

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